Scrumpt Box ~ Lunch Goes Online for a Healthier Alternative For Your Kids

So as you know by my name, I am proud to be a mom. So when this mom saw this new tech launch recently unveiled at TechCrunch Disrupt SF, her radar went up! The musing’s of a working, time starved, health conscious mom went into overdrive: Something to make a working mom’s life easier? Something that promote’s nutrition? And when I say nutrition, I mean clean, organic, chemical free, preservative free eating for our children, in addition to a balanced diet. A mom who is tired of shopping at 3 different stores to get good options for Organic Certified foods for the kid. Wait there’s more… a tech startup created by a Mother-Daughter Team? LOVE IT!

See, I would love to be that mom that cuts out crazy animal figures in sandwiches and hearts out of fruit for her kids lunch. I would love to be that mom that isn’t late getting her kid to school every single morning due to being obsessed with, at the very least, providing her kid with a freshly made lunch the morning of. I would love to be that mom that by mid-week she isn’t struggling to create new and exciting lunches for her immensely picky eater. But that is just not me. And I know there are a lot more of you out there, dad’s included, that know the struggle is REAL!

So enter into Scrumpt! Scrumpt’s website front page pops up “Making Your Kid’s Lunch Just Got Easier.” HELLO! You’ve got my attention. So I dove in and checked them out.

How Does It Work? 

Scrumpt is a subscription-based food service where you receive a delivery on Saturday’s of your pre-ordered and pre-selected lunch meals. You begin by entering your payment information first, then you create a “food profile” that can include food preferences and known allergens. They state on their website that all kits are peanut-free with gluten and lactose free options, but please take personal responsibility when ordering yourself and know what is in each of the items if you have a child with food allergens. You choose healthy options through a selection of 27 different lunch-ready options and a dozen different “trusted” vendors* chosen by Scrumpt, like 18 Rabbits, Beanitos and Good Health.

You can choose from 2 meal payment plan options. 5 Lunches for a week are currently at the cost of $24 a week which includes delivery and tax. That breaks out to $4.80 a lunch. The 3 Lunch plan is $19 a week, which breaks out to $6.33 per lunch. They do state that you can cancel or pause subscriptions at anytime.


There is currently one other option called the Travel Survival Kit. This includes tissues, coloring books, card games and snacks for $18.95.

What’s in a Kit? 

Now because I do not find a published list prior to payment, we must rely on the Gallery photos on their website. Each kit looks to contain a main dish, 1 or 2 sides and a treat, as well as napkins and utensils. It looks like there is a nice assortment of fruits, bananas, strawberries, grapes, raspberries, mandarin oranges and blueberries. According to the pictures we see veggies range from salads, cucumbers, carrots and even legumes. We also see hummus, almond butter (I think) bunny crackers, pretzels, cereal &/or oatmeal, and pasta. You assemble non-perishable or semi-perishable items at home or you can even teach your child to do it with you. A great learning experience as you educate your kids on choosing healthy eating options.


Note: Scrumpt is beta-testing delivery of perishable items in San Francisco only.

*On a side note, I would really love to see the brands and companies that Scrumpt is using in advance of the online payment, but until we all order, that doesn’t seem to be viewable on their website. I happen to be involved in many well educated, health conscious, organic-loving mom groups and they would be faster to jump on board if they knew where the food was sourced. As an improvement to the consumer, I would love to see Scrumpt’s transparency on their trusted companies at the beginning of the process and tell us what foods are truly organic and which certification it has (as there are different levels).

Who is the Mother-Daughter Team of Scrumpt? 

Scrumpt Box is the brain child of a San Francisco mother and daughter team, Bri Kanes and Dr. Schery Mitchell-James. As a now retired pediatrician of 30 years, Dr. Mitchell-James and her daughter, Bri, knew all to well about the struggles of providing healthy lunches for kids while juggling a career, life and love of family. The company’s mission as found on their website  “is to create a smart, super convenient and delicious food options, all while educating parents and kids on how to inject life, diversity and a little fun into food. The life of a parent is full of activity and we hope Scrumpt brings a little relief to your home.”

Hear directly from Bri and Dr. Mitchell-James at their launch presentation and demo at the TechCrunch Disrupt 2015 event HERE!

I think this mom will be giving it a shot in the coming weeks! I will report back on those product brands and companies included in the lunches and of course my picky eaters experience with the Scrumpt Box so be sure to subscribe so you won’t miss future posts and reviews!

~ Jill, The Tech Wise Mom